Garhwa Deputy Commissioner Shekhar Jamuara held a review meeting at Bargarh and Ramkanda block offices on Wednesday. In both review meetings, the DC reviewed the government schemes being run in Bargarh, Bhandariya and Ramkanda block areas.
Under the schemes of BPDP, MGNREGA, Panchayati Raj, 15th Finance, Supply, Anganwadi, Benefits given to Musahar families, Pradhan Mantri Awas (Rural), Health facilities, JSLPS, Pragya Kendra, Power supply in Panchayat Bhawan, Vandhikar Patta and others were mainly discussed in the meeting. During the review, he directed to complete all the schemes being implemented in the area on time. In the meeting, the DPM and BPM JSLPS were directed to hold a meeting with the women of the JSLPS group to get them engaged in employment. While reviewing the beneficiaries who have pending the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and other government schemes, the Deputy Commissioner talked about depriving them of all government schemes in future. He said that the benefits of government schemes will not be given to those beneficiaries, because the work is being obstructed due to them, as a result the development works are getting affected.
Seeing all the pending certificates in the meeting, instructions were given to issue them on time. In any case, instructions were given not to keep caste, residence, EWS and other certificates pending.
It was complained by the villagers that the doctors do not sit from the prescribed date or number due to which the patients face problems in the treatment. On which the Deputy Commissioner directed that the doctors of the hospital where they are deputed will register their biometric attendance in the deputation office on the scheduled date. For the repair of hand pumps , the drinking water office directed one technical staff along with three labourers and one vehicle in all the blocks. So that hand pump repairs can be done in the area in time.
In this meeting, Ranka SDO Ram Narayan Singh, block head / deputy head of all panchayats, block 20-point member, panchayat committee member, district council member and executive engineer drinking water and sanitation division / rural work department / electricity supply division / district Welfare Officer / District Social Welfare Officer / District Panchayat Raj Officer / All Project Officers, All Assistant Project Officers DRDA, District Coordinator, Prime Minister's Housing (Rural), D.P.M., Health Department / J.S.L.P.S. / Panchayati Raj , Garhwa and others were present.