Top officials of CII Northern Region on Monday shared the organization's key recommendations for the growth and development of the industry in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh and highlighted the need for the right infrastructure, logistics, and government support to transform the region into the country’s industrial hub.
At a news conference held at the CII Northern Region Headquarters, Deepak Jain, Chairman, CII Northern Region & Chairman & Managing Director, Lumax Industries Ltd, said states like Punjab and Haryana have a high potential for Exports from sectors like Textile, Auto Components, Bi-cycle, Food Processing etc. He also emphasized CII's long-standing commitment towards the growth and development of the industry and the need for a collective effort to achieve it.
CII Northern Region will soon initiate an Incubation programme for handholding budding entrepreneurs and also help them in networking to find potential investors. It shall also work towards bridging the rural-urban disconnect and will work extensively on bringing in diversity at workplaces in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh.
“This year, CII will focus on internalizing the tenets of sustainability and climate action and accelerating its globalisation journey for leadership in a changing world. This will be undertaken through an inclusive model of growth that builds trust between all stakeholders, including Government, Industry, society, consumers, investors, and the external community,” he shared. He gave the example of projects like CII’s Crop Residue Management, which is running in 12 districts of Punjab and Haryana, covering 300 villages and 3 lakh acres of farmland and 50,000 farmers," Jain said.