Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur on Thursday said there are "individuals and media outlets" who consistently spread fake propaganda against 'Bharat', both domestically and internationally, and stressed that media must act as a responsible pillar of the democracy, calling out fake narratives in the open.
"It is our collective responsibility to challenge such narratives, expose the falsehoods, and ensure that truth prevails," he said.
"It is essential to safeguard the interests of our nation and avoid providing space to anti-India views that can threaten the unity and integrity we hold dear," Thakur added.
The minister was addressing an event organised here by the Press Council of India (PCI) to mark the National Press Day.
"Even as we celebrate the freedom of the press, we cannot turn a blind eye to those who seek to undermine the spirit of our nation.
There are individuals and media outlets that consistently spread fake propaganda against Bharat, both domestically and internationally," Thakur said.
"It is our collective responsibility to challenge such narratives, expose the falsehoods, and ensure that truth prevails," he added.
The minister said that in the era of artificial intelligence where technology shapes the way information is disseminated, it becomes imperative for the media to remain cautious. "We live in a world where misinformation can be amplified with the click of a button," he said.