Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday highlighted the contribution made by E-Sanjeevani app towards “treating 10 crore patients” by way of tele and video consultations as he spoke on various issues including ‘Swachh Bharat’ Mission, ‘Tribeni Kumbh Mahotsav’, and ‘Ustad Bismillah Khan Youth Award’.
Adrdressing the listeners of his monthly radio talk ‘Man ki baat’, Modi gave early wishes to people ahead of ‘Holi’, the festival of colours and appealed for celebrating the festival with keeping ‘vocal for local theme’ in mind.
Touching a range of issues in his 98th chapter of his talk, Modi also praised Haryana village’s youth for ‘Swachh Bharat and spoke about ‘Tribeni Kumbh Mahotsav’ of Hooghly, West Bengal, which he said has been “revived after a gap of 700 years”.
“There are many such great traditions in our country which had disappeared, had been removed from the minds and hearts of the people, but now efforts are being made to revive them with the power of public participation”, he said.
More specifically, the Prime Minister focused on the “power of Digital India” which he said is “visible in every corner. Different apps play a big role in taking the power of Digital India to every home”, said Modi and dealt with the role played by E-Sanjeevani app in giving treatments to the 10 crore ailing patients.
“There is one such App, E-Sanjeevani. Through this App Tele-consultation, that is, while sitting far away, through video conference, you can consult a doctor about your illness. Till now, the number of tele-consultants using this app has crossed the figure of 10 crores. You can imagine!… 10 crore Consultations through video conference….An amazing bond between patient and doctor – this is a big achievement”, said the Prime Minister.
This, he said is a “living example of how the people of India have made technology a part of their lives.”
The Prime Minister said the country has seen that in the time of Corona, E-Sanjeevani played a pivotal role in giving contact less treatment to the virus affected patients.
The Prime Minister spoke with Dr. Madan Mani from Sikkim. Who has provided tele-consultation to hundreds of people in rural areas.
He talked to doctor as alo the patieht about teleconsultation through E-Sanjeevani app and its benefits. Dr Madan told the Prime Ministrr as how patients sitting in village wellness health centres could interact with him via E-Sanjeevani app, upload medical documents, see him through video call and receive appropriate treatment and get cured without having to come to him in person.