The Chhattisgarh Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday commenced the ‘Sewa Pakhwada’ (Service Fortnight) through a series of events to mark the 72nd birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The fortnight will conclude on October 2.
The BJP organised blood donation camps at Jaistambh Chowk in Raipur and at district headquarters. An exhibition on the life of Modi was inaugurated at Magneto Mall here.
Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Brijmohan Agrawal said Modi is seenre as a pragmatic leader by the whole world.
BJP Vice President Dr. Raman Singh led the blood donation camp, tree plantation and photo exhibition in Rajnandgaon.
State BJP President and Bilaspur MP Arun Sao participated in the events at Surajpur.
Leader of Opposition Narayan Chandel in Janjgir-Champa district distributed tricycles to the needy.s