Walk the talk

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Walk the talk

Monday, 31 May 2021 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

Walk the talk

Stop searching for God, instead start following his divine teachings, says Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj Ji

We all are living in an age where technology rules, and yet our quest for the truth about God remains strong even today in this Iron Age (Kaliyuga). That is why God has been the most popular yet elusive and mysterious power for humans to understand and define. Many of us believe that God is everywhere and in everything around us. According to religious scholars, God is present in every creature, particle and everything is a manifestation of him. Is it? If that’s the case, then why is there so much strife, hatred, pain, suffering and sorrow in this world? In the 18th chapter of Gita, which is a summary of the entire Bhagavad Gita, God says, “Sarva-dharman parityajya, mam ekam saranam vraja, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo, moksayisyami ma sucah.” It means, “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.” This brings up the most important question of liberation or salvation. It is believed that God comes or descends to this world to liberate humanity from sorrow. Now, if he is already present everywhere, where is the need for him to emerge from anywhere?

For ages, people have been praying to him for various reasons — to get over suffering and pain, to gain peace and happiness, to acquire some power and to seek his wisdom, truth and companionship. Mystics in all faiths tell tales of God connecting to them in a vision, a metaphysical experience, a dream or conversation. Interestingly, many prophets, scriptures and faiths talk about the eventuality of God coming to the human world in some form such as an avatar or an incarnation. The Hindus and many ancient cultures that practised idol worship believed in god incarnating in human or animal forms. Hence, we find so many idols and forms attached to God's role and his qualities. Most of the stories show that his coming is always connected to dire times on earth. That is why he comes in the darkest period of the world when all human souls are stumbling or sleeping in the darkness of spiritual ignorance. He arrives to liberate humans from all bondages such as bad karma, suffering, and hence, he is called — liberator.

Different faiths talk of different times of God's coming. For instance, the Hindus believe that Kaliyuga is still a long way to go and God will come after many more thousand years. Christianity and Islam talk of Judgement Day and settlement time as the event of God’s final role on earth. Believers have long waited for that momentous event in the history of humanity when at last the ‘saviour’ would come and bring light and happiness to the world. However, not many are aware that the much-awaited greatest event of human history has already occurred. But a majority of humans are still in a deep slumber of ignorance and are still looking for God.

In Bhagavad Gita, the Almighty clearly says that humans cannot reach him through prayers, penance, reading scriptures or doing charitable deeds. He introduces Himself to everyone when he comes to this world at the end of Kaliyuga when unrighteousness has reached extreme proportions and humanity is experiencing great sorrow. He also reminds us of our true identity, that we all are eternal souls and not bodies, and finally, he teaches us the unique art of Rajyoga, by which the souls can cleanse themselves of all their sins and become worthy of taking birth in the Golden Age where there is complete peace, purity and happiness. So, stop searching for God, instead, start following his divine teachings.