Heal the world

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Heal the world

Monday, 18 May 2020 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

Heal the world

Man’s relationship with nature changed when he was influenced by lust, anger, greed and ego, says Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj Ji

A lot has been spoken about earth’s energy imbalance in the last few years. However, with the climate change phenomena becoming increasingly apparent in the rising temperatures, melting of the Arctic sea ice, extreme weather events, heat waves, floods, droughts, storms, hurricanes and so on, it can be clearly said that the earth has been thrown out of balance. In layman’s language, it can be said that earth is sick, but it’s not clear as to how bad the fever is. Like a patient in a hospital, the earth’s vital parametres are being closely monitored by climate scientists. Satellites track the shrinking of glaciers, weather stations maintain rainfall readings, buoys measure deep ocean temperatures while aircrafts monitor the levels of atmospheric gases.

Climate change and global warming are sometimes thought of as things that will happen in the future. But scientists are finding increasing evidence that the planet is transforming now — and that people must take a large share of the blame for this phenomena. They further explain that excessive carbon emissions through industrial, vehicular pollution, use of CFCs and plundering of forests and natural resources have depleted the ozone layer. This has trapped more and more of solar radiations inside the earth’s atmosphere. As a result, the earth is heating up which has begun to trigger a chain of natural upheavals like floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and land slides in the recent times.

We are aware that nature has served man from the beginning of human life on this planet. Hence, one cannot imagine human existence without the support of nature. Like a caring mother, nature gives us food that nourishes and sustains our bodies as also water that cleanses and gives us life. It provides fresh air to supply us with oxygen, which is vital to keep bodily functions going. It provides materials too — from hay, firewood and timber to rubber, gum, minerals and countless other things— that have made our lives so easier.

When one thinks about how much humanity is still served by nature inspite of man’s degradation that has brought about the phenomenon of climate change, one begins to wonder how marvellous nature must have been in its original, unpolluted state. Descriptions made in scriptures about the Golden Age speak of time when the land yielded food without the peasants having to toil as today. Trees yielded abundant fruits while crop disease and famine were unheard of. Agriculture at that time did not require heavy investment in terms of labour or inputs such as fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides. Nor was it dependent on irrigation systems, since the soil was fertile and produced bountiful harvests, and all the water required was provided by rains, which never failed. Even human bodies, which are made of the five elements, were perfect in that age and hence, disease, deformity and debility were unknown to humans of that time. So then, what caused man to descend from such a period of bliss to the present times of natural chaos? When man fell from divine virtues and came under the influence of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego, his relationship with himself, with others and with nature changed. Instead of revering her as an ever bestowing mother, he started to exploit her to meet his insatiable desires. Now, when she can take no more, nature is revolting through such calamities causing massive loss to life and property resulting in great human suffering.

Years of research by environmental scientists have proven that human consciousness plays a very vital role in shaping the environment. The point to be noted here is that human nature influences and creates external nature or the environment. The environmental pollution that we see today is actually seeded in mental pollution. This also means that if humans return to their original nature of peace, purity and love, the environment would automatically get restored to its original harmony. But for this transition to take place, a great cleansing process needs to be set in motion. Taking cue from the world scenario, it is high time that humans endeavour to connect themselves to their original nature of purity and peace. This would help them in treating others and the environment with love and dignity and make them obedient to natural laws. However, if humans continue with their present ways, nature will take it upon itself to set things right and restore the planet’s ecological balance. It will bring earth back to its original, pure and bountiful state, once again ushering in the Golden Age, where man and nature will exist in complete harmony. But do we really need mother nature to turn so furious? Can’t we show some affection towards our mother who has given us so much? Just think about it.

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