MP Mahesh Poddar today said that the safe recycling of lithium batteries can play an important role in terms of protecting the environment and generating new employment opportunities. In response to a question asked by Poddar in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Babul Supriyo admitted that lithium batteries can pose a serious threat to the environment if not disposed of safely. He also informed that there is a technology in India for safe recycling of lithium batteries and through this, the precious metals in these batteries are reusable.
Supriyo stated that at present, lithium batteries used in electric and electronic equipment are being regulated through e-waste management manual 2016. But, there is no authored recycling facility for the use of lithium batteries emitted from electric mobility i.e. battery powered vehicles and other modes of transport. In other words, the recycling of lithium batteries used in electric vehicles is a new opportunity for entrepreneurs. Due to the current policy of the government, the number of electric vehicles is continuously increasing and its number is expected to increase further.
Poddar said that if there is no provision for safe disposal of waste lithium batteries after use in electric vehicles, then they will pose a serious threat to the environment. On the other hand, if it is regulated, it will create a new field of employment and self-employment. He has requested the government to regulate the recycling of lithium batteries from electric vehicles, just like electric and electronic equipment.
Guidelines for safe and formal recycling of lithium ion batteries have not yet been prepared. However, technology and facilities exist for such recycling facilities in the country.
Recycling technology of cobalt, nickel, lithium, copper, aluminum, etc present in lithium ion batteries in the country is available by any proponent.