In a major relief to Delhi University professor Nandini Sundar, Chhattisgarh police has cleared the charges pressed against her in connection with a murder case registered with Tongpal police station of Sukma district in the insurgency hit Bastar region. According to police, charges -against six others including a JNU professor, who were all wanted in the connection with the same case- have been withdrawn.
Reports said that the previous BJP government was critical of Sundar, mainly for her frequent visits to violence-hit Bastar but the new Congress regime has now decided to woo right activists by dropping the case against Sundar.
Notably, in 2016 armed Maoists had killed Shamnath Baghel at his residence in Nama village under Tongpal police station limits of Sukma district around 450 km south of state capital Raipur.
Later, on complaint of victim’s wife an FIR was lodged against Sundar, JNU professor Archana Prasad, Vineet Tiwari, who is with Delhi’s Joshi Adhikar Sansthan, Chhattisgarh CPI(M) secretary Sanjay Parate, Manju Kawasi and Mangla Ram Karma.
The police maintained that no clear evidence was found against them in connection with the case and hence the charges were withdrawn.
"After investigation we could not find any direct evidence against Nandini Sundar and others in Tongpal murder case. So, we have withdrawn the charges pressed against them" Superintendent of Police Sukma Jitendra Shukla told The Pioneer over phone. The murder case was registered against them while infamous IPS officer SRP Kalluri was posted as Inspector General of Police (IGP) in Bastar.