Rolling out strict austerity measures, the Uttar Pradesh Government has asked its officers to curtail expenses on foreign visits, fly in economy class and avoid holding lunch or dinner meetings in five-star hotels.
An 18-point order to this effect was issued by Chief Secretary Anup Chandra Pandey. The order directs officials to slash expenses on office stationery, furniture and upholstery.
It says that just because an official concerned has been replaced, it does not mean there should be new furniture or upholstery for the new officer.
The order specifically mentions that official visits should be kept to a minimum unless these are important and essential.
Besides, the order says, babus should travel in economy class if they have to take flights for official visits.
Official lunch and dinner should not be held in five-star hotels. In exceptional cases, permission of the Chief Secretary should be obtained.
The five-page order says it is important to cut down administrative expenses to make optimum use of Government funds and resources for development work.
It may be noted that during the last decade, the work culture has changed considerably in view of computerisation and even workload has come down in certain sectors. Many posts have become redundant and employees on those posts are being utilised in other areas in the best possible manner, the order points out.
The order clearly mentions that no new posts should be sanctioned except in medical and police departments. In cases of emergency, the tasks may be outsourced and done on contract basis, it added. The order also says that in case of vacancies in class four and similar posts of drivers, gardeners, plumbers, electricians and liftmen, there should be no regular appointment. These tasks should be outsourced with the approval of the Finance department.
The order states that no posts should be created to assist those holding temporary posts of advisor or chairman of any department. These posts may be outsourced.
Various schemes run by the government should be reviewed at regular intervals and those found no longer useful, should be scrapped. Besides, travelling allowance, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, city compensatory allowance, leave travel allowance and medical reimbursement should be paid to the staff of Central or state government funded projects at sanctioned rates only.
The order says no new office building or residential complex should be constructed
except in newly-created divisions or districts. It adds that barring security-related requirements, no new vehicle should be purchased and in case the existing vehicles are unfit for use, taxis should be hired for administrative work with the permission of the Finance department alone and only registered taxis be hired and not private vehicles.