Hundreds of women of five blocks of Jharsuguda district under the banner of lok Mukti Sanghatan took out an anti-liquor rally from the Manmohan School ground to the Collectorate office here on Tuesday.
later, they staged a sit-in protest before the Collectorate demanding that proactive steps be initiated to make Jharsuguda district as well as the State liquor-free. They also submitted a 6-point charter of demands to the ADM addressed to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. In the memorandum, they sought to make Jharsuguda district completely free of liquour with permanent closure of country liquour shops. Besides, they wanted that the entire Odisha should be declared as liquour free with implementation of Odisha liquour Prohibition Act 1956.
Their other demands include strong action against illegal liquour transaction by the vendors, recommendation of Gram Sabha and Palli Sabha as a must to open liquor shop and steps to stop domestic violence on women as an effect of liquor consumption.