Gangster Akhilesh Singh, who was arrested by a joint team of Jharkhand and Haryana police in Gurgaon on Wednesday, was sent to Bhondsi district jail on Friday in Gurgaon.
Akhilesh (39), who sustained gun-shot injuries in both legs in an encounter with the police during his arrest from a guest-house near DlF Colony was undergoing treatment at the Gurgaon Civil Hospital for his injuries. The doctors treating him declared fit and was sent to jail.
Singh was arrested by a joint team of Haryana and Jharkhand police at Gurgaon in Haryana following an encounter at a guest-house on wednesday morning.
Besides Akhilesh (39), his wife Garima Singh was also arrested from the guest-house where the encounter took place. She was arrested as there was a cheating case pending against her in Gurgaon.
East Singhbhum superintendent of police (rural) Prabhat Kumar said the doctors at the Gurgaon Civil Hospital said on Thursday that Akhilesh was now fit for being shifted to the jail.
"Only after getting approval from the doctors at the Gurgaon Civil Hospital, the police had taken the accused to the court for the judicial remand, but they delayed completing the formalities at the court.
Hence he could not be put in the jail yesterday and took back him again at the hospital. on saturday he was directly sent to the Bhondsi district jail on 14 days judicial remand," said Kumar.
The SP (rural) was leading a team of Jharkhand police for arresting Akhilesh.Others who were along with him were OC, Sitaramdera thana Rameswar Oraon and four commandos, beside a team of
Gurgaon police.
Kumar said , “He knocked at the door of the room No 102 on the ground-floor of the three-storeyed guest-house, Akhilesh, who was at the sight, fired on the police party and tried to to escape the spot.”
One of the commandos fired two shots at the fleeing gangster," said the SP (rural).
He added that, they have not yet interrogated Akhilesh.and only the local police have interrogated him
so far.