Challa Sreenivasulu Setty, Chairman of largest Bank of India, State Bank of India while on an official visit to Madhya Pradesh took part in various CSR initiatives at Bhopal. As part of this initiative, two key organizations were identified and provided with financial assistance under CSR.
State Bank of India donated Rs 62.42 lakhs to the MP Tiger Foundation Society for wildlife conservation activities, with a special focus on tiger conservation. The funds will be used for adopting two tigers for a year, providing safari vehicles, golf carts, cycles, and dustbins to the Van Vihar National Park & Zoo.
Additionally, Team Pahal, an NGO based in Bareli, received Rs 26.17 lakhs under CSR. The amount will support their social activities in Bareli, aimed at providing essential life support to economically and socially disadvantaged sections of society.
Setty emphasized the role of such organizations in nation-building and encouraged active participation from stakeholders to support disadvantaged sections of society. He stated, "State Bank of India is fully committed to bringing about positive change in society and will continue to support such grassroot level organization in every part of the country."