The newly appointed office bearers of the Doctors’ Wives Association for the year 2025 started with a noble cause on Saturday. Chairperson Vinita Sharan, Co- Chairperson cum Founder Jhooma Sarkar, President Arti Singh, Secretary Anju Singh took the lead and assembled at RIMS around 1.00 pm today. Khichri was distributed to several underprivileged patients and their attendants at the RlMS campus. The members promised to carry on such charity work throughout the year. Other members who were present on the occasion included Rashmi Sinha, Rukhsana Bano, Bindu Prasad, Rekha Mishra, Amrita Biayda, Manju Khetan, Ranjana Jain, Nirmla Garodia, Shreela Choudhary, Madhu Gupta, Neelam Shekhar, Bibha Singh, Supriya Thakur, Shweta Ranjan, Deepa Chauhan, Pallavi Sharan and Taruna Chhabra.