The Madhya Pradesh High Court administration has strongly refuted claims regarding the alleged demolition of an ancient temple at the official residence of Chief Justice Suresh Kumar Kait. In a statement released on Sunday, the court termed the allegations as “entirely false, misleading, and baseless.”
The controversy emerged after D.K. Jain, president of the High Court Bar Association, reportedly sent complaints alleging that a Hanuman temple had been removed from the Chief Justice’s bungalow without proper procedure. The allegations prompted a swift rebuttal from Registrar General Dharminder Singh, who clarified that no such temple ever existed at the premises.
“It has come to the attention of the High Court that certain reports are being circulated alleging the removal of a Mandir (Lord Hanuman Mandir) from the Hon’ble Chief Justice’s bungalow. These reports are entirely false, misleading, and baseless,” Singh stated. He further emphasized that the Public Works Department (PWD) had confirmed that no temple was present at the residence.
The high court denounced the claims as an attempt to tarnish the judiciary’s reputation and undermine public trust in the legal system. “The allegations being circulated in some sections of the media are fabricated and appear to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the public and malign the integrity of the judicial system,” the statement read.
Registrar General Singh cautioned that spreading such unverified information constitutes interference in the administration of justice and could be deemed contemptuous. “These attempts to create false narratives about the judiciary not only undermine the rule of law but also pose a serious threat to the sanctity of judicial independence,” he said.
The court urged media outlets and the public to refrain from disseminating defamatory and unverified information, reiterating its commitment to upholding justice with fairness and impartiality.
“This baseless controversy serves no purpose other than to discredit the reputation of our judiciary, which remains steadfast in its dedication to justice,” the statement concluded.