Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday announced the installation of a two megawatt (MW) solar power plant in Kaza — a step towards improving power supply in the tribal region. He commended the efforts of the Electricity Board’s officers and employees for their dedication in completing the project, which is expected to be fully operational in a few months with the addition of a one MWh battery storage system.
Sukhu emphasized that the State Government was committed to maximizing the use of solar energy to transform Himachal Pradesh into a ‘Green State’. To further this initiative, the Government is establishing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in areas where demand is expected to grow. He also revealed that the government had approved the installation of 18 Megawatt ground-mounted and rooftop solar plants on vacant land near Electricity Board offices, which will significantly boost solar power generation.
In line with its sustainability goals, the Government plans to install rooftop solar systems on 50,000 houses across the State by 2026-27. So far, 4,444 applications have been received for this scheme, underscoring the growing interest in renewable energy.
Sukhu also shared that the State Government is working on measures to make Himachal self-reliant, including rationalizing electricity subsidies and staffing levels. The Government is reviewing power project agreements signed by the Electricity Board and plans to reassess loans taken at high interest rates. By negotiating lower rates, the Government aims to reduce the debt burden of the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board, helping it become financially self-sustaining.
The Chief Minister concluded by reaffirming the Government’s commitment to safeguarding employees’ interests and ensuring their financial well-being.