In a significant step towards enhancing healthcare infrastructure, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday announced that the State Government has allocated Rs 85 crore for the procurement of three Tesla MRI machines. These state-of-the-art machines will be installed in the state’s three major medical colleges — IGMC Shimla, Tanda Medical College, and Nerchowk Medical College.
The Tesla MRI machines are high-end diagnostic tools that offer superior precision, making them especially valuable for complex diagnoses and in-depth analysis. “The installation of these advanced MRI machines will help in accurately diagnosing various diseases, thereby improving treatment outcomes for patients,” said Sukhu, underscoring the state government's commitment to providing top-quality healthcare.
Sukhu further revealed that the government plans to invest Rs 1,500 crore in the near future to modernize healthcare facilities across the state, ensuring they are equipped with the latest medical technology. Currently, about 9.5 lakh residents of Himachal Pradesh are forced to seek medical treatment outside the state, resulting in a significant loss of Rs 1,350 crore in GDP, Sukhu added.
In line with its broader healthcare vision, the Government is prioritizing the installation of advanced medical equipment at various levels, including Community Health Centres (CHCs), civil hospitals, and zonal hospitals. Plans are underway to equip these institutions with semi-automatic labs, ultrasound machines, ICU facilities, digital X-rays, auto-analysers, and modular operation theatres. “This will enable doctors to provide more accurate diagnostics and enhance patient care," the Chief Minister stated.
Sukhu criticized the previous BJP government for neglecting the healthcare system, which resulted in the deterioration of services and the transformation of government hospitals into referral centers. He assured that the Congress-led government is committed to improving healthcare services, promising soon-to-be-seen positive results for the people.