Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the Janakpuri West-Krishna Park Extension section of the Delhi Metro's Phase IV and laid the foundation stone of the Rithala-Narela-Kundli corridor. The Janakpuri West-Krishna Park Extension section is the first stretch of the Delhi Metro's Phase IV to be inaugurated. The Union Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Manohar Lal, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Vinay Kumar Saxena, Chief Minister of Delhi, Atishi were present among other dignitaries at the event.
With the addition of Krishna Park Extension station, the Delhi Metro network now comprises 289 stations spanning 394.448 km.This new section is an extension of the already operational Botanical Garden- Janakpuri West on the Magenta Line.
With the addition of this section, the Magenta Line now covers a distance of approximately 40 km.The Magenta Line will be further extended from Krishna Park Extension to R K Ashram Marg in phases by 2026.
As part of the Phase-IV expansion, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is constructing 86 kilometres of new lines across five different corridors in the national capital. Three corridors --- Janakpuri West to RK Ashram Marg, Majlis Park to Maujpur and Aerocity to Tughlakabad --- are under construction, the other two new corridors --- Lajpat Nagar to Saket-G Block and Indraprastha to Inderlok --- are in the pre-tendering stages.The first six-coach train for Delhi Metro's Phase-IV expansion arrived in the national capital in November last year.
It was stationed at Delhi Metro's Mukundpur depot, where it had undergone a number of tests required for its statutory certification for revenue service as a part of established rules and protocols.