The newly appointed Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of Chakradharpur Railway Division, Tarun Huria, conducted an extensive inspection of six railway stations, including Tatanagar, during his visit to Jamshedpur on Friday. The inspection, which began early at 7:30 am, aimed to assess the facilities, security measures, and overall passenger experience across the stations.
DRM Tarun Huria emphasized that passenger safety and convenience are top priorities for the railway division. “Our focus is on ensuring that safety standards are adhered to rigorously and that passengers experience maximum convenience during their travel,” he stated during the inspection.
The DRM’s inspection covered key aspects of station management, including cleanliness, security arrangements, and passenger amenities. He interacted with railway staff to understand operational challenges and ensure that safety protocols are being effectively implemented.
During the visit, Tarun Huria engaged with passengers and railway employees, listening to their concerns and suggestions. Several passengers shared their feedback regarding station facilities and train services. Huria assured them that their grievances would be addressed promptly and measures would be taken to improve the overall travel experience.
The DRM also hinted at a more detailed discussion with the media and relevant stakeholders during his next visit. “This inspection is just the beginning. In the future, we will hold extended discussions to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions that enhance railway services,” he said.
“ This inspection marks a significant step in the Chakradharpur Railway Division’s efforts to upgrade its services. By prioritizing passenger safety and convenience, the division aims to set new benchmarks in operational excellence. Tarun Huria’s proactive approach has instilled hope among passengers and railway staff for a better and safer travel experience,” said an official.