Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met the public at Gorakhnath temple during Janata Darshan here on Monday, urging officials to resolve their grievances promptly and sensitively to prevent undue hardship to them.
Emphasising the need for timely financial support in medical cases, he instructed officials to expedite the process of obtaining hospital estimates for those seeking government assistance for treatment and ensure they are promptly submitted for approval.
During the interaction, Chief Minister Yogi extended heartfelt support to a woman seeking financial aid for medical treatment, advising her to obtain an estimate from SGPGIMS, Lucknow, assuring that the government would cover the treatment expenses.
When a woman sought help for a family member undergoing treatment at BRD Medical College hospital, the chief minister promptly instructed the officials present to address the matter and provide the necessary assistance.
Chief Minister Yogi assured all those seeking financial assistance for serious illnesses that his government would ensure no one is denied medical treatment for lack of funds, with support provided through the Discretionary Fund.
The chief minister met around 100 individuals during the Janata Darshan held at the Mahant Digvijaynath auditorium of Gorakhnath temple. He patiently heard their grievances, forwarded applications to the officials concerned, and assured them their issues would be resolved promptly.
The chief minister also instructed officials to adopt a compassionate approach toward victims and resolve issues diligently, emphasising impartiality and public satisfaction in grievance redressal.
Referring to cases of land encroachment or intimidation, Chief Minister Yogi directed officials to take strict legal action against wrongdoers, ensuring fair and satisfactory outcomes for all victims.
Chief Minister Yogi also interacted warmly with children who accompanied their families to Janata Darshan. He blessed them affectionately and gifted them chocolates, bringing smiles to their faces.
During his stay at Gorakhnath temple, Chief Minister Yogi followed his traditional daily routine. On Monday morning, he paid respects to Guru Gorakhnath and offered prayers at the Samadhi Sthal of his Gurudev, Brahmalin Mahant Avedyanath. Afterward, he visited the temple premises and went to the temple’s cowshed, where he spent time performing gausewa (cow service).
The chief minister lovingly pampered the cows, fed them jaggery and instructed the cowshed workers to take special care of the cattle during the ongoing cold wave.