Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) initiated its Road Safety Awareness Campaign as part of the National Road Safety Month on January 13, 2025. Organized by the Safety Engineering Department, the event was inaugurated at the Ispat Bhawan premises by Director Incharge Birendra Kumar Tiwari. The campaign focuses on promoting road safety and reducing accidents by encouraging adherence to traffic rules.
The program began with a welcome address by Chief General Manager (Safety & Fire Services) B.K. Sarthape, who outlined the month-long activities planned for road safety. Senior executives including Executive Director (Works) C.R. Mahapatra, Executive Director (Finance & Accounts) Suresh Rangani, Executive Director (HR) Rajshree Banerjee, Executive Director (Projects) Anish Sengupta, Incharge Bokaro General Hospital Dr. B.B. Karunamay, along with other department heads, officers, and employees attended the event.
Director Incharge Birendra Kumar Tiwari administered the safety pledge, emphasizing the importance of wearing helmets and seat belts, avoiding the use of mobile phones while driving, and assisting accident victims. He highlighted that road accidents can be prevented through awareness and strict adherence to traffic rules.
Following the pledge, the "Safety Awareness Van" was flagged off to travel through key areas of the plant and township, spreading the message of road safety. The program was conducted by Assistant General Manager (Safety & Fire Services) Nehal Paswan and concluded with a vote of thanks by Assistant Manager Shashi Suman.