Lohardaga Sub-Divisional Officer cum Sub-Divisional Magistrate Amit Kumar has issued an order related to prohibitory order on Sunday evening. In which he has said that as per the instructions of the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, the Model Code of Conduct is in force in the district till 06.06.2024 for the Lok Sabha (General Elections-2024). It is noteworthy that the counting of votes for Lok Sabha (General) election is pre-determined on 04.06.2024 at the counting center Polytechnic College, Chandali, Gumla. In the above context, in order to conduct the counting process of Lok Sabha General Election-2024 in a peaceful manner, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Gumla has issued memorandum No. 432/Go., dated 01.06.2024, regarding the counting center of Polytechnic College, Chandali, around Gumla and the entire Gumla urban area. To maintain public peace in the area, Section 144 prohibitory order has been imposed from 1:00 am on 04.06.2024 to 12:00 am on 05.06.2024. In this context, in the 72-Lohardaga (SC) assembly constituency, I, Amit Kumar, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Lohardaga, using the powers conferred under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, from 01:00 pm on 04.06.2024 to 05.06.2024 I impose prohibitory order in Lohardaga sub-division area till 12:00 midnight with the following conditions. 1. There will be a complete ban on bringing and carrying any kind of deadly weapon, firearm or explosive material in the entire Lohardaga urban area, which will be effective on arms license holders. But this prohibition will not apply to Khukri and Kirpan traditionally worn by government officials, employees, police officers and police forces on duty, Nepalese and Sikhs respectively. 2. No person, organization, group will spread fake news or any other type of misleading news, messages, photos etc. either through social media or through any other electronic means. 3. No candidate or political party should do anything that hurts the sentiments of people of any religion, sect or caste or creates hatred or tension among them. 4. Prohibition of publishing any statement or news regarding the personal conduct and character or candidature of any candidate or political party, which is false or which is not believed to be true, with the aim of adversely affecting the election chances of any candidate or political party. Will remain. 5. We will ensure to strictly follow the prohibition order issued under Section 144 CrPC for following the Model Code of Conduct vide this office's Memorandum No. 21/Law, dated 16.03.2024.