Justice Gurmeet Singh Sandhawalia on Sunday sworn in as the new Chief Justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court in a ceremony held at the Raj Bhavan. The oath of office was administered by Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla, in the presence of Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, other esteemed dignitaries, and senior judicial officials.
The ceremony, though simple, was a momentous occasion for the state’s judiciary, marking a new chapter for the Himachal Pradesh High Court. Chief Secretary Prabodh Saxena conducted the proceedings, formally reading out the Warrant of Appointment issued by the President of India, affirming Justice Sandhawalia's elevation to this prestigious position.
Born in 1965, Justice Sandhawalia hails from Punjab. He completed his BA (Honours) from DAV College, Chandigarh, in 1986, followed by a law degree from Panjab University. Justice Sandhawalia began his legal career in 1989, practicing at the Punjab and Haryana High Court. His commitment to the legal profession and his hard work led to his elevation to the Bench on September 30, 2011. He was later appointed as a permanent judge on January 24, 2014.
Over the years, Justice Sandhawalia has earned widespread recognition for his judicial contributions, holding key positions such as the Chairman of the Mediation and Conciliation Committee, the Vigilance and Disciplinary Committee, and the Executive Chairman of the Punjab State Legal Services Authority. Earlier this year, he also served as the Acting Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
In his first address after taking office, Justice Sandhawalia expressed his commitment to improving the judicial process, focusing on reducing the pendency of cases, and ensuring timely justice. “We are determined to extend court hours and work closely with the Bar to reduce unnecessary adjournments. Our priority will be to deliver justice at the earliest, particularly for senior citizens and the underprivileged,” he said.
Justice Sandhawalia also highlighted the specific challenges faced by Himachal Pradesh, noting that the state has a lower volume of criminal cases but a higher number of civil and service-related matters. His agenda as Chief Justice includes enhancing legal aid services and ensuring that the judicial process remains accessible and efficient for all, especially in remote areas of the state.
The ceremony was attended by a host of distinguished personalities, including Speaker of the Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Kuldeep Singh Pathania, Industries Minister Harshwardhan Chauhan, Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi, and senior officials from the state government. Judges from the Himachal Pradesh High Court, along with judges from the Punjab and Haryana High Court, were also present, marking the significance of the event.
Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu was among the first to congratulate Justice Sandhawalia on his appointment. “Justice Gurmeet Singh Sandhawalia has a wealth of experience and a strong judicial acumen. I am confident his tenure will bring significant benefits to Himachal Pradesh and further elevate the cause of justice in the state,” he said, expressing hope that Justice Sandhawalia’s leadership would contribute to strengthening the judiciary and ensuring that justice is accessible to all citizens.