A land dealer was shot dead in Namkum, Ranchi. The incident took place on Sunday afternoon in Kawali of Namkum police station area of the district.
Bike-riding criminals shot and killed land dealer Madhu Rai in the middle of the road. Regarding the incident, it is being said that Madhu Rai was going on his scooter. Then the criminals who came from behind opened fire on him. During this, the criminals fired about 12 rounds on Madhu Rai. Due to this, Madhu died on the spot.
After carrying out the incident in broad daylight, the criminals fled. At the same time, as soon as the information about the case was received, the police reached the spot and started investigating the matter. It is suspected that Madhu Rai was shot in a dispute related to land business. But till now the real reason behind this has not been revealed. At present, the police is investigating the matter keeping all the points in mind.
Criminals shot dead land dealer in broad daylight
Monday, 16 December 2024 | PNS
| Ranchi
Criminals shot dead land dealer in broad daylight
Monday, 16 December 2024 | PNS | Ranchi