Just ahead of the festive season, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi announced new minimum wage rates on Wednesday, setting the amount at Rs 18,066 for unskilled workers, Rs 19,929 for semi-skilled, and Rs 21,917 for skilled workers in the unorganised sector which is doubled as compared to the BJP ruled states. The new rates would be applicable from October 1.
Atishi shared this significant development on her 'X' handle (erstwhile Twitter), stating: “The Delhi government has once again decided to increase the minimum wage in Delhi. Delhi has the highest minimum wage in the entire country. With the new rates applicable from October 1, the minimum wage for unskilled workers has now increased to Rs 18,066, semi-skilled workers to Rs 19,929 and skilled workers to Rs 21,917.
On one hand, there are BJP-ruled states where the minimum wage is half that of Delhi. Sharing the data of minimum wages in BJP-ruled states, Atishi said that the minimum wage for unskilled workers in Delhi is more than Rs 18,000, while the minimum wage for unskilled workers in Rajasthan is only Rs 8,063, Rs 10,000 in Madhya Pradesh, Rs 8,300 in Uttar Pradesh, Rs 10,000 in Haryana, Rs 10,900 in Chhattisgarh. The minimum wage in the Delhi government is the highest in comparison to the whole country.
Atishi said thath before the Arvind Kejriwal government came to power in 2013, the minimum wage for unskilled workers in Delhi was only Rs 7,722. The minimum wage for semi-skilled workers was Rs 8,528 and the minimum wage for skilled workers was only Rs 9,388.
Highlighting Delhi’s top spot in wage rates nationwide, Atishi credited 10 years of AAP governance under the leadership of Arvind for improving the lives of the city’s common people and promised continued progress in the months ahead.
In her first press briefing since taking charge as CM, Atishi credited the AAP government's leadership under Arvind Kejriwal for ensuring that Delhi’s minimum wages for labourers are the highest in the country.