Four people were held in Manipur's Thoubal district for allegedly violating the Inner Line Permit system, CM N Biren Singh said. They were apprehended from Yairipok Bishnunaha on Saturday and steps are being taken for their "deportation", he said."Today, four non-local laborers were apprehended for violating the Inner Line Permit (ILP) system. They were found residing without valid ILP cards and overstaying at the Yairipok Bishnunaha water reservoir construction site," he said in a social media post. They were identified as Afsar Ali (22), Md Sanfaraj (20), Md Rahamtullah (23) and Sahabaj Alam (20), the CM said."The defaulters were taken into custody by Yairipok Police Station and have been produced before the Executive Magistrate, Thoubal. Legal action will be initiated against them as per the provisions of the ILP system, and steps are being taken to deport them from the state," he said.