A tremor of 3.2 magnitude jolted Gujarat's Kutch district on Sunday morning, the Institute of Seismological Research (ISR) said. There was no report of any casualty or damage to property, the district administration said. The tremor was recorded at 10.06 am with its epicentre located 18 kilometres north-north east of Bhachau, the Gandhinagar-based ISR said. It is the third seismic activity of more than 3 magnitude in the district this month. A 3.7 magnitude tremor jolted Kutch on December 23. On December 7, a tremor of 3.2 magnitude was recorded in the district, according to the ISR. Last month, Kutch recorded an earthquake of 4 magnitude on November 18. Earlier, on November 15, Patan in north Gujarat was jolted by an earthquake of 4.2 magnitude.