Young dreams

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Young dreams

Wednesday, 28 February 2024 | Pioneer

Young dreams

Modi exhorts first-time voters to fulfil their aspirations by building a developed India

India, with one of the youngest populations in the world, boasts of a dynamic workforce brimming with energy, innovation and creativity. The demographic advantage of having a large number of citizens under 35 presents it with a golden opportunity to propel itself towards great economic, social and technological progress. Harnessing the power of its youth brigade, India can emerge as a global powerhouse, charting a path of sustainable development and prosperity. But channelling the youthful energy is most important as it cuts both ways. In this context, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to first-time voters is pertinent. Beyond just casting their vote, it is about understanding the nation’s political dynamics and making an informed decision. Modi’s assertion that the youth possess the “maximum right to shape India” resonates deeply with the aspirations and potential of millions of young Indians. With the vision of a developed India aligning with the dreams of its youth, the call carries profound significance as the nation navigates through a transformative phase. The empowerment of first-time voters symbolises the shifting dynamics of political engagement, where their voice is increasingly recognised as pivotal in shaping development policies. Modi’s emphasis on the pivotal role of youth in nation-building underscores the recognition of their energy, creativity and ambition as indispensable assets for progress.

By acknowledging the aspirations and dreams of the youth, the Prime Minister not only acknowledges their power but also instils a sense of responsibility in them. Moreover, Modi is calling for action, urging the youth to actively participate in the democratic process. Also, his emphasis on youth empowerment extends beyond electoral participation to encompass skill development, entrepreneurship and innovation. Through initiatives such as Skill India, Start-up India and Digital India, the Government has endeavoured to create an enabling ecosystem that nurtures the talents and ambitions of the youth, equipping them with the tools to contribute meaningfully to the nation’s progress. However, realising the vision of a developed India requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders, including the Government, civil society and the private sector. It demands inclusive policies that address the diverse needs and aspirations of the youth, irrespective of their socio-economic background or geographic location. It also necessitates investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure and employment generation. The Government, for its part, must keep the youth at the forefront while forming policies and giving maximum leverage to them. As the nation marches forward, it is imperative that the aspirations and potential of the youth are harnessed effectively, ensuring a brighter and prosperous future.

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