The menace of terrorism

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The menace of terrorism

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 | Pioneer

The menace of terrorism

The recent terror attacks in Jammu have underscored the persistent security challenges faced by the country

The recent terror attacks in Jammu once again highlight the fact that terrorism is far from over. They may be down but not out for sure. Indeed, Jammu serial attacks are a wake-up call for the Modi administration which is settling for the third time in office. Jammu, a region perennially at the forefront of geopolitical tensions and security concerns, has recently become the focal point of a series of terror attacks that have jolted the local populace and security apparatus alike. Over the past few weeks, a surge in terrorist activities, including targeted attacks on both civilians and security forces, has painted a grim picture of the region’s fragile peace. The most recent and severe incident involved an assault on an Indian Air Force convoy in the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir One airman was killed and four injured. These violent episodes have not only led to the tragic loss of life but also sowed seeds of fear and uncertainty among the residents. The attacks underscore the persistent and evolving threat posed by terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, necessitating urgent and comprehensive security measures. In the wake of these escalating threats, Union Home Minister Amit Shah convened a high-level security review meeting in New Delhi. Shah’s review underscored the gravity of the situation and highlighted the need for a multifaceted and proactive approach to counter the burgeoning terror threat.

Let us face it, something is lacking on our part that emboldens the terrorists and gives them daring to carry out such operations. One of the biggest loopholes in combating terrorism is that there is little intelligence sharing among different security agencies. Effective coordination between local police forces, the Indian Army and intelligence agencies is deemed vital for timely intervention and the prevention of further attacks. Besides local communities must be taken into confidence to take on the menace of terrorism as residents are often the first to notice unusual activities and their cooperation is essential for pre-emptive actions against potential threats. Besides, there is a need to address the root causes of terrorism, such as the radicalisation of vulnerable sections on the lower rung of the socioeconomic ladder. These factors are often exploited by terrorist organizations to recruit individuals and perpetuate violence. However, it is a welcome step to induct more troops in the Jammu sector so that the local population can feel safe and secure. Within Jammu, troops will be deployed in both urban centres and rural areas to ensure a comprehensive and pervasive security presence. However, these security enhancements come with their own set of challenges. There is a need to ensure that the increased military presence does not exacerbate tensions or alienate the local populace. The Government must strike a delicate balance between maintaining robust security and fostering trust and cooperation with the communities affected by these security measures.

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