The impact of competitive exam paper leaks on students

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The impact of competitive exam paper leaks on students

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | biju dharamaplan

The impact of competitive exam paper leaks on students

The paper leaks have profound emotional effects on students. To mitigate the ill effects of such incidents, it is crucial for the Govt to act swiftly and transparently

One Nation One Examination is a novel venture initiated to provide equal opportunities to all students nationwide.   This eliminates discrepancies in the difficulty and content of regional or state-level exams, providing a level playing field for all students. Such standardization can help in objectively identifying academic strengths and weaknesses, fostering a more meritocratic education system. With a single set of scores, universities and colleges can more easily compare applicants from different regions. This can reduce the complexity and confusion associated with multiple entrance exams, making the process more transparent and straightforward for students and institutions alike. The integrity of competitive exams is fundamental to ensuring a meritocratic education system. When a competitive exam is cancelled due to question paper leakage, it undermines the trust and hard work of students, creating a cascade of irreparable negative impacts. These repercussions are immediate, practical, deeply psychological, and long-lasting.

 At the core of any competitive exam lies the promise of fairness and equal opportunity. When a question paper is leaked, this promise is shattered. Students who have spent months or even years preparing for the exam feel betrayed by the system that was supposed to impartially evaluate their hard work. This breach of trust can lead to a pervasive sense of cynicism and disillusionment among students.

 The emotional and psychological impact of such cancellations is profound. Students invest significant emotional energy in preparing for these exams. The cancellation, especially under such scandalous circumstances, can lead to intense feelings of frustration, anger, and helplessness. The resulting anxiety and stress can have severe mental health implications, with students experiencing symptoms of depression and burnout.

The sudden cancellation of these exams can throw students' academic timelines into disarray. Admissions processes get delayed, and students are left in limbo, unsure about the next steps. This is particularly challenging for students at critical transition points, such as those finishing high school or undergraduate studies or people waiting to get college jobs. The uncertainty about rescheduled exams or alternative assessment methods adds another layer of stress,.

The financial impact of such cancellations is significant. Students often have to travel long distances to the examination centres. The cancellation of exams can severely dent students' motivation and morale. The idea that unethical behaviour can disrupt and devalue their honest efforts is deeply demoralizing. This can lead to a decline in academic engagement and enthusiasm. Students may question the value of hard work and integrity when such incidents occur, potentially leading to a loss of interest in their studies or future exams. The tendency to move to foreign countries for education may even increase because of this.

The cancellation of competitive exams due to question paper leakage has far-reaching and profound effects on students. The immediate breach of trust and fairness and emotional, academic, and financial repercussions create a challenging landscape for affected students. Providing mental health support to affected students and offering financial assistance to those incurring additional expenses can help alleviate some of the burdens. Implementing more robust security measures using AI technologies and providing severe punishment to those who are involved in malpractices can bring back the confidence of society in the ‘One Nation One Exam’ system. By learning from these incidents and making necessary reforms, the education system can emerge stronger and more resilient.

(The writer is an adjunct faculty at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore; views are personal)

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