Rude awakening

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Rude awakening

Thursday, 15 February 2024 | Pioneer

Rude awakening

AAP mocks Congress by offering the biggest party in INDIA bloc just a single seat in Delhi

In a move which has sparked both intrigue and speculation, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) recently surprised everyone by offering the Congress just one Lok Sabha seat in Delhi, asserting that it does not deserve more. This statement has reignited discussions about the dynamics of political alliances in the run-up to the general elections. The proposal of AAP, led by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, signals a strategic manoeuvre aimed at showing Congress its place in Delhi while simultaneously asserting AAP’s dominance in the NCR. By offering just one seat to the Congress, AAP appears to be positioning itself as the primary challenger to the BJP in the Capital. There is no denying that at the State and corporation levels, the AAP is a force to reckon with. However, the same cannot be said about its hold on the masses when it comes to parliamentary elections. In 2019, it contested on all seats in Delhi and won none. Its latest move is likely to benefit the BJP, which secured all seats in the Capital. It will indeed be happy with the AAP’s deal breaking offer to the Congress. But it is not just about Delhi Lok Sabha seats, it has far-reaching consequences for the INDIA bloc and the Opposition's call for unity. With Nitish Kumar walking out, the INDIA bloc faces an existential crisis. At the heart of this move lies the question: Can the INDIA bloc work cohesively to challenge the BJP’s dominance at the national level? While the idea of a united Opposition has gained traction, the differences in ideology and leadership have often hindered its effectiveness.

The AAP's offer to the Congress underscores the compulsions of electoral politics and how delicate seat-sharing is. Forging alliances in a fragmented political milieu is not an easy task. While both parties share the common goal of unseating the BJP, they also harbour deep-seated rivalries and ideological differences. Moreover, the success of the INDIA bloc hinges not only on the cooperation of political parties but also on their ability to mobilise voters and galvanise public support. With the Lok Sabha elections looming on the horizon, the Opposition parties must work tirelessly to bridge their differences, articulate a coherent vision for governance and present a credible alternative to the incumbent Government. In this regard, the preparedness of the Opposition to go to the hustings leaves much to be desired. While the BJP has enjoyed considerable electoral success in recent years, securing victories in key State elections and consolidating its hold on power, the Opposition parties have struggled to mount a cohesive and effective challenge. The upcoming election presents the Opposition with a crucial opportunity to demonstrate unity, resolve and ability to govern. It is imperative that they capitalise on this moment to present a compelling vision for the future of India, one that resonates with the aspirations and concerns of the electorate. Whether the Opposition can present a united front remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: If they take hasty decisions before elections, they will have enough time to repent at leisure.

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