Modi maxes his maxim

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Modi maxes his maxim

Friday, 16 February 2024 | Pioneer

Modi maxes his maxim

PM takes ‘Minimum Govt, Maximum Governance' pitch to Dubai, says trust in Govt at all-time high

Reiterating his administration's commitment to the principle of 'Minimum Government, Maximum Governance,' Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stressed upon the significant strides made in streamlining bureaucracy and fostering Indian public's trust in governance. Speaking at Expo 2020 in Dubai, Modi underscored the transformative reforms undertaken by his Government to enhance efficiency, transparency and accountability in India's governance framework. The concept of 'Minimum Government, Maximum Governance' encapsulates the philosophy of promoting lean and efficient governance structures while maximising the delivery of public services. Since assuming office, Modi has consistently advocated for reducing bureaucratic red tape, simplifying administrative processes and leveraging technology to empower citizens and businesses alike. During his address in Dubai, the Prime Minister highlighted several key initiatives aimed at realising this vision, including the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST), the introduction of the Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) scheme and the push for digitalisation across various sectors. These reforms, he emphasised, have not only facilitated ease of doing business but also led to greater inclusivity and equitable distribution of resources. One of the most significant achievements cited by Modi was the marked increase in people's trust "in recent years" in the Government. He attributed this trust to his Government's unwavering commitment to serving the interests of all sections of society, coupled with its relentless focus on delivering tangible results. Through proactive outreach and citizen engagement initiatives, the Modi-led NDA Government has fostered a sense of ownership and participation among the populace, thereby strengthening the social contract between the State and its citizens.

Modi's address in Dubai comes at a crucial juncture when India seeks to position itself as a global leader in trade, investment and innovation. The Expo 2020 Dubai, with its theme of 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,' provides an ideal platform for India to showcase its economic prowess and technological advancements to the world. In an era marked by geopolitical uncertainties, the assurance of a responsive and accountable Government is paramount for attracting foreign investment and fostering sustainable growth. However, while lauding the progress made under the 'Minimum Govt, Maximum Governance' paradigm, Modi also acknowledged the need for continuous adaptation and refinement. He emphasised the importance of staying agile and responsive to evolving challenges, whether they be economic, social or technological in nature. Indeed, Prime Minister Modi's address in Dubai reaffirmed India's commitment to the principles of efficiency, transparency and accountability in governance. As the world looks towards a future defined by innovation and collaboration, India stands poised to lead the way with confidence and conviction. Good luck, Mr Prime Minister!

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