Live in the present moment, it matters most

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Live in the present moment, it matters most

Monday, 26 August 2024 | Pioneer

Live in the present moment, it matters most

Understanding and managing stress effectively is essential for a healthier life

God is often perceived as invisible, impartial & incomprehensible. Some imagine Him as a distant figure, high in the clouds, old & angry, hurling thunderbolts at us for our oversight in following His commandments. While many view God merely as a cosmic order supplier, providing for our sustenance & working out our desires behind the screens. Cultural understandings about God create a vivid but confused picture, leading many in the current generation to turn to spirituality without engaging in traditional religion.

The term "religion" itself, derived from the Latin "re-ligare," means reconnection with the Supreme Lord. However, common conceptions of God—as an empty vacuum, an outburst of floodlight, or an angry old man—do not suggest any possibility of a relationship with God.

The ancient wisdom of yoga forms the basis of spiritual science—the Bhagavad Gita as recorded 120 million years back imparted by the Supreme Lord Krsna to the sun deity—Vivasvan (BG 4.01). Therein lord emphatically states his position ("aham sarvaysa prabhava") He is omnipresent, ("mayadhyaksena prakriti") the entire universe functions under his supervision, ("Upadrsta anumanta ca") He is manifest as the guardian spirit in everyone's heart—as the Paramatma, (“brmhano hi pratistaham”) He is the source of the spiritual effulgence, ("tani aham veda sarvani”) He is omniscient, as he reiterates the same message to Arjuna 5000 years back, that he imparted to Vivasvan 120 million years ago. Furthermore, Krsna informs Arjuna about the secret of his appearance (”janma karma ca me divyam”) from the spiritual world to reclaim the seekers & whoever learns about it & strives to perfect their lives. Such profound wisdom makes us aware of God's greatness not merely as a concept or an infirm old man retired from the scene of creation. Rather a God who works diligently in the background & also frequently tours to his creation beaconing every individual to rekindle spiritual wisdom. To instil faith in his devotees, Lord Krishna descended on Janmashtami in the prison cell of His uncle Kamsa. Kamsa imprisoned his sister Devaki & brother-in-law Vasudeva due to an ominous mystical prediction that declared that the 8th son of Devaki would end his evil attitude. Thus fearful of his death, Kamsa instantly arrested his newly-wed sister & brother-in-law. Kamsa represents the atheistic mindset that abuses power to dominate & replace Godliness in society.

One of the central purposes of Krsna's descent is to discipline such atheists who have removed God from the equation (BG 4.07). He disciplined Kamsa and subsequently helped Arjuna neutralize the egomaniac prince Duryodhan, who had usurped the kingdom from the righteous Pandavas. Lord Krishna’s greatness is revealed in His purpose to bring order to society by establishing the virtues of Godliness. The ancient ‘yoga of bhakti’ reveals the sweetest & most refined means to connect with God i.e. through love.

Vrindavan is where He manifests His eternal pastimes—beckoning every seeker—an invitation to the spiritual world. The same Lord Krsna who revealed his Virat-rupa the gigantic universal form to Arjuna enacted as a helpless child (in Vrindavan) tearful & fearful when mother Yasoda chased & bound him by the rope due to His childhood mischief. The same Lord Krsna who lifted Govardhan hill with the tip of His finger, (in Vrindavan) failed to defeat his friends in the tug-of-war games. By  Celebrating Janmashtami, devotees reaffirm their faith, deepen their spiritual connection, and draw inspiration from the life and teachings of Lord Krishna. It is a reminder of the presence of divinity in our lives and the eternal principles of dharma that guide us towards righteousness and spiritual fulfilment. Let us celebrate Janmashtami not just as a ritual, but as an opportunity to connect to the supreme Lord Krishna spiritually.

(The author is the Spiritual Guru of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness; views expressed are personal)

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