Liberals a the helm

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Liberals a the helm

Monday, 08 July 2024 | Pioneer

Liberals a the helm

With the Labour Party's victory in the UK, India can anticipate a more favourable stance and pro-India policies

After remaining out of power for  more than a decade, the Labour Party led by Keir Starmer is back with a landslide victory in the recently held elections in the UK. Prime Minister Modi was among the first to congratulate Prime Minister Keir and both leaders agreed to work towards more vigour for FTA and strengthening the ties between the two countries. Indeed, it is a big shift in UK politics and many policies and initiatives would be at a stark departure from the previous dispensation. This shift holds great significance, given the Labour Party's decisive victory over the Conservatives in the recent general elections. This change in governance marks a new chapter in the UK's domestic and international policy. For countries like India, with deep historical, economic, and diplomatic ties to the UK, this transition could bring about notable changes. The evolving dynamics of UK-India relations under the new Liberal government could influence various sectors, including trade, education, technology, and immigration. The Labour Party's victory signifies a substantial shift in British politics. The Labour Party is known to be liberal, traditionally more progressive, inclusive and believes in sustainability and international cooperation. Their policies are expected to diverge from the Conservative approach, particularly in areas such as climate change, social justice, and economic reform.

Though Conservatives did not touch upon the UK’s ties with India there can be a marked shift in the UK’s policies in the months to come. The biggest change may come in the form of immigration laws. India has a sizable population in the UK and getting a Visa and residency status is always on the top agenda of the Indian community in the UK and back home. The next area where substantial change could be witnessed is the economic ties between the two countries. The Liberal Party's commitment to free trade and economic partnerships could enhance bilateral trade, potentially leading to a comprehensive UK-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA). It was the first thing that came up when Prime Minister Modi congratulated the new Prime Minister of the UK Keir Starmer. Indeed, for long, The UK and India have had robust trade relationship, with the UK being one of India's significant trading partners. Under the Conservative government, there were ongoing discussions about a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The Labour Govt’s more enthusiastic approach to global trade could accelerate these negotiations. A more collaborative and open approach to foreign policy may lead to deeper strategic ties, particularly in areas like defence, cybersecurity, and counter-terrorism. Greater involvement in global platforms like the Commonwealth, the United Nations, and climate forums, facilitating joint efforts on issues of mutual interest. Besides, India can look forward to the UK’s support for India’s aspirations for a greater role in international organisations, including a potential permanent seat on the UN Security Council.  

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