Dead, Undead!

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Dead, Undead!

Monday, 05 February 2024 | Pioneer

Dead, Undead!

Poonam Pandey's crude act, if anything, has belittled cervical cancer survivors and activists

Adult entertainer Poonam Pandey's latest antic has not entertained people one bit, rather it has left them shocked and angry. Hours after she posted steamy photos from Goa on her social media account, her PR manager claimed that Poonam has died of cervical cancer, only for her to disclose a day later that she was "here, alive". The pathetic excuse for the reprehensible 'death' hoax: It was to raise awareness about cervical cancer, to make people talk about it. Effectively, does she believe that all our brand ambassadors for polio eradication, menstrual safety and suchlike social awareness campaigns need to announce their deaths for the public to start talking about the cause close to their heart? But ye public hai, sab jaanti hai.... Everyone knows it for what it was – a cheap publicity stunt for another 15 minutes of fame! But this time, Poonam has crossed the line and ventured into uncharted territory. The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with users and celebrities severely condemning her action. On Friday, her team announced that Poonam had died on Thursday night due to cervical cancer.  However, the very next day, the model-actor's posts announced that she was alive. In her videos, she said, "I am alive. I didn't die of cervical cancer. Unfortunately, I can't say that about those hundreds and thousands of women who have lost their lives because of cervical cancer." She went on to discuss the disease, expressing concern about the lack of knowledge surrounding it and emphasising the need for awareness. The 'news', which initially prompted messages of condolence and mourning, quickly gave rise to a storm of criticism on social media. Users started slamming Poonam for what they considered a tasteless and insensitive publicity stunt. Celebrities, including her industry friends, expressed disappointment and disbelief, with some accusing her of crossing ethical boundaries. This is not the first time Poonam, whose claim to fame is showing skin and indulging in theatrics, has courted controversy for publicity. She gained attention for her promise to strip if the Indian cricket team won the 2011 Cricket World Cup.

Reckless publicity stunts, especially those involving fake deaths or serious health issues, must be unequivocally condemned due to their inherent unethical nature. Breaking the law of the land (and this one in particular is a criminal offence), causing public nuisance, manipulating emotions, spreading false information and exploiting sensitive topics for personal gain demonstrate a lack of moral integrity and a disregard for the potential harm caused to society. Individuals engaging in such behaviour not only compromise their credibility but also harm the cause. Public figures have a responsibility to act with integrity and authenticity as their actions influence and shape public perception. Admonishing those who resort to deceptive publicity stunts sends out a clear message that ethical boundaries must be upheld, fostering a more honest and transparent media approach. Encouraging genuine efforts for awareness and social causes ensures that the public remains informed and engaged without falling victim to any manipulation. Even if we are to assume that she had a genuine desire to raise awareness about cervical cancer, how did she achieve that? In a way, her act ridiculed cancer survivors and used their plight to garner likes and increase her online following. If one is serious about cancer patients, one could do it many ways; this was certainly not one of them. While Poonam has gained attention for various reasons, it is henceforth important to approach any information about her with reinforced scepticism. She has been a controversial figure, often making headlines for her bold and provocative statements or actions. In the past, she gained attention for her association with the Kingfisher Calendar, which propelled her into the limelight. She later ventured into acting and appeared in a few forgettable Bollywood films. Poonam has often used her social media presence to grab attention and boost her career. This incident also has lessons for those who blindly believe in media posts. They would do well to cross-check facts rather than believe every news that comes their way, especially through social media. Poonam's fake death stunt has undeniably backfired; it sheds light on the lengths some individuals may go to hog the limelight in the age of social media. Even if it be a rap on the knuckles, Poonam must face legal consequences. Time alone will tell how the public and the entertainment industry she belongs to, make her pay. Ideally, she ought to! We demand legal action.

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