A curated list

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A curated list

Monday, 04 March 2024 | Pioneer

A curated list

BJP names 195 in first list; retains some MPs, drops some and moves a few from RS to LS poll arena

The well-oiled poll machinery of the BJP has released its first list of candidates for the Lok Sabha elections, leding to intrigue and speculation across political circles. With this move, the party has not only initiated its electoral process even though the election dates have not yet been announced, it has also sent out strategic messages through its selection of candidates. The decision to retain some MPs, drop others, and move certain members from the States or the Rajya Sabha to the Lok Sabha poll arena carries significant implications. The retention of several incumbents underscores the party's commitment to stability and continuity in its leadership. By fielding sitting MPs or MLAs, the BJP aims to leverage their incumbency advantages, including name recognition, constituency connect and established voter base. Simultaneously, the omission of some incumbents indicates the party's emphasis on accountability. The decision may stem from various factors, including performance evaluation, local dynamics or the need for rejuvenation in specific constituencies. In this context, the notable names are West Delhi MP Parvesh Sahib Singh and South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri, who have both been dropped for apparent inflammatory or derogatory remarks against a particular community. In Bhopal, firebrand leader Pragya Thakur belongs to the same category.

In the list of alleged non-performers, the party's East Delhi MP Gautam Gambhir and Hazaribagh MP Jayant Sinha have sought to be excused from the poll battle though insiders claim their move was to pre-empt from being publicly dropped from the nominee list. Another noteworthy aspect of BJP's nominee list is the strategic repositioning of certain members from States or the Rajya Sabha to face people's mandate. This manoeuvre highlights the party's astute deployment of resources and talent to maximise its electoral prospects. By fielding prominent figures from other arenas, such as the Rajya Sabha or States, the BJP aims to capitalise on their stature, experience and network. Additionally, such strategic moves enable the party to strengthen its presence in regions where it seeks to expand its footprint or counter the Opposition's strongholds. Over the years, the importance of candidates has declined considerably; voting is done mostly on party lines. The Prime Minister has himself said that each of the votes cast for the BJP is a vote for him. However, the presence of candidates and their charisma do matter: By bringing in seasoned leaders from diverse backgrounds, the BJP seeks to project a broad-based appeal and a unified front. Overall, the party's first list encapsulates a nuanced blend of continuity, accountability and strategic deployment of resources. Through these strategic manoeuvres, the BJP aims to consolidate its electoral base, address grassroots grievances and position itself favourably for the elections.

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