Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday directed all the Deputy Commissioners across the State to ensure timely issuance of certificates to orphans in their respective districts by November 7 this year as part of the effective implementation of the Mukhya Mantri Sukh Aashray Scheme (MMSAS). The State Government’s flagship program offers comprehensive support to more than 4,000 orphans.
“The State Government has enacted legislation designating orphans as ‘Children of the State’, establishing a legal responsibility for the Government to act as their guardians. Benefits amounting to Rs 4.68 crore have already been disbursed to these deserving orphans,” the Chief Minister said
Under the MMSAS, an amount of Rs 1.12 crore has been transferred to benefit 1,199 children residing in Child Care Institutions (CCIs). This sum has been deposited into Recurring Deposit (RD) accounts, jointly operated with the District Child Protection Officer.
The scheme provides Rs 1,000 per month to children aged up to 14 years and Rs 2,500 per month to children aged 15-18 years, funded by the State Government. In addition to this, 48 beneficiaries have received financial aid for their higher education, with Rs 15.52 lakh allocated for institutional fees and Rs 11.52 lakh for personal expenses at Rs 4,000 per month per person.
Moreover, 17 beneficiaries pursuing vocational training have been granted Rs 7.02 lakh for course fees and Rs 4.08 lakh as pocket money. One individual received Rs 17,500 for a skill development course. Furthermore, 62 CCI children pursuing vocational training courses at ITIs have been provided with Rs 15.66 lakh for institutional fees and Rs 14.88 lakh as pocket money.
“The State Government is committed to help underprivileged children in making them self-reliant through the MMSAS. They are providing financial aid and three biswa of land for constructing houses, and sponsoring exposure visits, covering airfare and accommodations at three-star hotels,” said Sukhu.
So far, Rs 60 lakh has been given to three beneficiaries to start their own businesses and Rs 2.65 crore has been transferred to 1106 children living with extended family or biological relatives to support their education, nutrition, and health needs.
The Chief Minister reiterated that after taking the oath, he visited the Balika Ashram Tutikandi in Shimla and was inspired to create a scheme to support the orphans, who lack a voice and the ability to fight for their rights. The State Government is diligently working towards ensuring that every person in society, especially those in need not to be deprived of welfare schemes.