Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken several steps to stop crime against women in Uttar Pradesh in the last six years of his tenure, as a result of which not only crimes against women has fallen, but also more women and their family members are coming forward to report about them in the state and to seek justice.
The chief minister recently chaired a review meeting with police and administration officials to expedite action against perpetrators of crimes against women, including crimes like sexual assault, the POCSO Act, love jihad and religious conversion.
He also instructed officials to take strong action against police officers, who delay registration of cases in such matters.
According to the latest report, though there has been an increase in cases in some districts of the state, there has been an overall decrease in the criminal cases across the state, owing to the police’s vigilance and swift resolution of cases.
During the review meeting, reports on the top five officers who have taken strict action against crimes against women and the bottom 5 officers who have shown poor performance were presented. This report covers the period from January to August this year.
The chief minister was informed that from January to August, a total of 1,869 cases of sexual assault were registered in the state of which chargesheets have been filed in 1,359 cases, and final reports have been submitted in 220 cases. Meanwhile, 290 cases are under investigation.
The Yogi government’s strong actions against rapists and providing security to the victim’s families have encouraged people to come forward and get cases registered against the culprits.
Due to increased awareness, more cases of rape have been filed in the past eight months, particularly in districts like Fatehgarh, Sitapur, Khiri, Kaushambi and Hamirpur. Out of a total of 2,578 accused persons in these cases, action has been taken against 2,325 and efforts are underway to arrest 253 wanted individuals.
In districts with significant actions against rape cases, the top 5 districts are Badaun, Moradabad, Bijnor, Amroha and Sambhal, while Prayagraj, Shahjahanpur, Balrampur, Kaushambi and Fatehpur have shown poor performance.
Similarly, 5,957 cases have been registered under the POCSO Act, with complaints filed in 4,860 cases and final reports submitted in 373 cases. Meanwhile, investigation is pending in 724 cases.
Previously, people hesitated in reporting such cases, but today in some districts of the state, there has been an increase in the registration of cases under the POCSO Act. These districts are Ayodhya, Kaushambi, Ambedkar Nagar, Gautam Buddh Nagar (Commissionerate), and Jhansi. In these cases, a total of 8,699 accused individuals were involved, out of which actions have been taken against 8,009, and 690 accused individuals are still wanted.
In cases under the POCSO Act, districts like Rampur, Jhansi, Hardoi, Khiri, and Sitapur have shown swift actions and good performance.
On the other hand, districts like Auraiya, Prayagraj (Commissionerate), Kanpur, Kannauj, and Bahraich have performed poorly in this regard.
In the past eight months, 6,445 cases of outraging modesty have been registered in the state, out of which charge sheets have been filed in 4,531 cases, and final reports have been submitted in 596 cases. Investigations are ongoing in 1,318 cases.
Due to the actions taken by the Yogi government and increased awareness, there has been an increase in the registration of cases regarding outraging modesty in some districts of the state. These districts include Deoria, Ambedkar Nagar, Mirzapur, Fatehgarh, and Gautam Buddh Nagar (Commissionerate). In these cases, out of a total of 11,022 accused individuals, actions have been taken against 9,388 whereas police have launched a manhunt to nab 1,634 wanted accused.
Swift action has been taken in such cases in districts like Muzaffarnagar, Badaun, Aligarh, Hathras, and Jhansi, whereas the performance of Commissionerate Prayagraj, Commissionerate Lucknow, Hamirpur, Maun, and Commissionerate Kanpur has been poor.
Similarly, a total of 241 cases were registered related to love jihad and religious conversion, with chargesheets filed in 176 cases and final reports submitted in 16 cases while investigations are underway in 48 cases. Out of the 790 accused individuals involved in these cases, actions have been taken against 742, efforts to nab 48 wanted accused are on.
Districts like Etawah, Azamgarh, Jaunpur, and Sambhal have shown good performance in these cases, while Gorakhpur, Commissionerate Prayagraj, Muzaffarnagar, Commissionerate Kanpur, and Hapur have performed poorly.