On the second day of Aapki Yojana Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar program, camps have been organized in Panchayats of various blocks of Ranchi district. Deputy Commissioner Ranchi Rahul Kumar Sinha reached the camp organized in Raghunathpur Panchayat of Chanho block. During this, local MLA Shilpi Neha Tirkey, Mukhiya, Zilla Parishad member, Circle Officer, Block Development Officer and villagers were present.
In the camp organized in the Panchayat under the Aapki Yojana Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar program, local MLA Shilpi Neha Tirkey and DC Rahul Kumar Sinha gave detailed information about various public welfare schemes of the government to the villagers. The DC especially talked about Abua Awas Yojana, Guruji Student Credit Card Scheme, Gram Gaadi Yojana. He also informed the attendees about the process to avail the benefits of the scheme.
Assets were distributed among the beneficiaries of various schemes in the camp. Local public representatives and the DC distributed the assets. Savitri Bai Phule Kishari Samriddhi Yojana, Sona Sobran Dhoti-Lungi Saree Yojana, cycle distribution, caste, residential certificate, irrigation plant, MGNREGA job card etc. were distributed among the beneficiaries from Kalyan Manch.
Tirkey and Sinha inspected all the departmental stalls organized in the program one by one. Both of them instructed the concerned personnel to give benefits to the eligible person as per rules. The DC said that new applicants should be given information about the schemes and should receive applications.
Sinha said that this is an ambitious program of the government so that by establishing contact with the common people, their problems can be known and the administration can reach their doorsteps to provide them the benefits of the schemes. He said that like last year, this year also the district administration is trying to receive as many applications as possible in the camp. The DC said that feedback is necessary so that new policies can be made in a better way in future and the process can be simplified.
Camps organised in Panchayats of various blocks of the district
Sunday, 26 November 2023 | PNS
| Ranchi
Camps organised in Panchayats of various blocks of the district
Sunday, 26 November 2023 | PNS | Ranchi