Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Thursday presided over a pre-budget consultation meeting for the fiscal year 2025-26 in Gurugram with stakeholders from industry and manufacturing sector. The representatives from various organizations associated with the industrial and manufacturing sectors shared their suggestions for the upcoming budget.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister reiterated the state's commitment to an inclusive approach toward prosperity and progress, highlighting the role of industrial institutions in the State's economic development.
Saini listened to the suggestions shared by stakeholders and assured them that key issues would be considered in the upcoming budget. The budget would not only address immediate needs but also focus on achieving long-term objectives, he added.
Describing the budget as a reflection of collective aspirations and priorities, he stressed the importance of engaging with all sections of society to ensure positive steps are taken to meet the needs and aspirations of every citizen of Haryana.
During the meeting, Saini also shared State's remarkable progress in agriculture, industry, education infrastructure, and technology over recent years. He said that priority will be given to every suggestion shared by the stakeholders for strengthening rural economy, promoting industrial investment, empowering youth through skill development and social welfare, proper representation in the upcoming budget. He also assured to sympathetically consider the suggestions put forward by the representatives regarding improving health services, public transport in industrial areas, and necessary reforms in industrial policy.
Addressing the second session of the pre-budget consultation meeting with Chartered Accountants, Saini said that in a developed Haryana, it is the priority of the government to meet the expectations of the common people. The doors of the government will always be open for positive suggestions so that the priorities of the government are effectively achieved.
On the occasion, the representatives of various district branches related to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India put forward their suggestions for the upcoming budget. The Chief Minister said that they have an important role in organizing the country's economy. This consultation meeting being organized before the budget is a part of the government's pre-budget preparations. Through these meetings, which are held every year before the budget, inputs are taken from various sectors and they are included in the budget. This helps the government in making policies and amending or improving them.
Announces Weekly Coordination Meetings to Strengthen Governance
To enhance governance and public service delivery, Saini has directed all Deputy Commissioners to hold weekly coordination meetings. These meetings, aimed at strengthening law and order, combating drug abuse, and fostering positive public engagement, will include participation from Superintendents of Police (SPs) or Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs), Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDMs), Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs), and Superintendents of Jails. He said that the primary objectives of these meetings are to enhance communication and synergy between district administration and law enforcement agencies for effective law and order management. They will also focus on reviewing and refining strategies to curb drug trafficking and substance abuse, expediting the resolution of public grievances, and improving public service delivery. To ensure accountability, Deputy Commissioners have been instructed to document the deliberations and submit a brief report monthly to the Chief Secretary’s office at cs.coordination@hry.nic.in.
In addition to the weekly meetings, the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of direct public engagement. District officers have been instructed to conduct night halts in villages at least once a month to address public grievances on the ground. The Chief Minister reiterated the importance of strict compliance with earlier directives regarding night halts and regular touring by Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police to build public trust and improve law enforcement.