Bollywood actor Sunny Deol's 'Gadar', which shattered box-office records 22 years ago, is returning with its sequel. The first poster from the sequel titled 'Gadar 2' was unveiled on Thursday and it shows an intense Tara Singh, played by Sunny, holding a hammer.
The film has also set its release date as August 11, 2023.
The Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel-starrer created an insurmountable stir in Bollywood when it released in 2001 and clashed against Aamir Khan's Oscar nominated 'Lagaan'.
Actor Sunny Deol stated: "'Gadar - Ek Prem Katha' has been an eminent part of my life, personally as well as professionally. Tara Singh from Gadar isn't just a protagonist but went on to become a cult icon that defied all odds and crossed all boundaries for his family and love. Collaborating with the team after 22 years was a creatively enriching experience."
Helmed by director-producer Anil Sharma, and produced by Zee Studios, the new movie stars Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma in lead roles.
Sharing his joy over the first poster launch, director and producer Anil Sharma said: "'Gadar - Ek Prem Katha' isn't my film but it's people's film and dynamically shifted the paradigm of the Indian film industry. It went on to become a cult icon wherein people breathed Tara Singh and Sakina's love story. We are absolutely thrilled to launch the first poster."