Our actions must be guided by one great law of love, which builds the right relations
Every day as we open the newspapers or switch on the television, there are reports of violent acts, unrest and dishonesty engendering a sense of fear in the common man’s mind. Added to these is the apparent lack of a solution to resolving these crimes which are fast increasing in almost every country across the globe. The kinetic energy of the human race is increasing dramatically as its mental and emotional faculties unfold. Human ingenuity is constantly launching new ideas and initiatives and these all need regulation to ensure that they don't infringe on the rights of others. These rights in turn are constantly being redefined, leading to further new laws, rules and regulations. So, until the higher, spiritual faculties of the human race unfurl and assume control of its thoughts, feelings and actions, complex man-made laws are necessary impositions simply to maintain some semblance of civil order.
Unsurprisingly though, the growing intricacy of law and order is being paralleled by a rebellion against the authority of all kinds. In technologically developed countries, the voice of public opinion is more informed, sure of itself and consequently louder, leading, in most cases, to greater democratization of society. But alongside this, the championing of minor personal rights and gain has contributed to an excessive focus on the letter of the law with its stifling effect on society. As a result, a bewildering number of dos and don'ts are now enshrined in law concerned with relatively minor issues and offences, while the greater crimes often go unpunished due to clever legal manipulations.
As the law grows more complex, so does the potential to challenge one law with another and to defend misdemeanours through clauses, loopholes and confusion. Several centuries ago, English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer Jeremy Bentham observed that "every law is an infraction of liberty". But the only escape from this situation is the realisation that true freedom is only found when it is - actively sought through — service to others. If we are not to crucify the human spirit — through entanglement in the letter of the law, we need to live more by its spirit and to let our thoughts and deeds be on behalf of humanity, and not just ourselves. Our actions must be guided by one great law of love – that attractive principle in the universe through which right relationships at all levels of manifestation are built and sustained. Remember!
Only through the right relationships can the love of God flow unimpeded throughout HIS creation and true freedom be found. Essentially, human laws are or should be a reflection of spiritual principles, a means of safely containing the released potential energy of groups of people, organizing and directing it for the shared benefit of all. However, if individuals try to take more from a group than they put in, others are deprived of an equitable share of the group's energy. Hence, it is in the best interest of society that we make a habit of ‘Give More Take Less’.
(The writer is a spiritual educator & popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal & UK)