Ziqitza Healthcare highlights the Risk faced by Pregnant women’s during Pregnancy Period!

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Ziqitza Healthcare highlights the Risk faced by Pregnant women’s during Pregnancy Period!

Saturday, 24 December 2022 | Agencies

Ziqitza Healthcare highlights the Risk faced by Pregnant women’s during Pregnancy Period!

The risks during the pregnancy period are numerous.Some of the most common risks that pregnant women face are gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and pre-eclampsia. These three conditions can have a negative impact on both the mother and baby's health.

At Ziqitza Healthcare, in public private partnership with State Governments we provide timely medical help for chronic disease sufferers by transferring them in 108 Ambulances. By doing so, we hope to reduce fatalities across the country. we have over 1.2 million successful transfers that cater to pregnant women in critical situations, ensuring safe institutional deliveries in India.

The risk of gestational diabetes is when a woman develops high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. This can lead to other complications for the mother and baby such as birth defects, low birth weight, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and blindness in later life.High blood pressure is when a pregnant woman has an abnormally high reading on her blood pressure monitor at least two times in one week or has readings over 140/90 mmHg on two separate occasions at any time during pregnancy. This condition can lead to premature birth or pre-eclampsia which is when there is excess fluid in the body due to poorly controlled high blood pressure.

At Ziqitza, we provide assistance to patients via our medical help services, like 108 ambulances and 104 Health Helpline. You'll always get professional care no matter what time of day or what place you're in. Over the years they have noted that one of the key reasons for usage of ambulances has been for women’s during the pregnancy period. We at Ziqitza Healthcare Limited believe it is crucial that during pregnancy, various precautions must be taken to ensure the unborn child and mother are safe and sound. Similar thoughts were voice by ZHL Rajasthan in the past.

Dr. Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Health Care Limited remarked, Pregnancy is an exciting but challenging phase of life for women. There are a number of changes happening in the woman’s body and their hormones that can affect different things.Pregnancy weakens the immune system in the body, making expecting mothers and unborn children more vulnerable to illnesses.

During pregnancy, many women are more susceptible to infections. The immune system is suppressed during pregnancy and this leaves the body vulnerable to infections.There are some infections that can be transmitted from mother to fetus and lead to serious complications in the fetus. Some of these include rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus.Some of these infections may not cause any symptoms but can still affect the fetus. For example, toxoplasmosis is a parasite that causes flu-like symptoms but it has no symptoms in pregnant women. It can lead to serious birth defects in a baby if it's passed on from mother to fetus.

Jitendra Sharma – Head Government Business, Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd says that “To safeguard the pregnant mother the National Health Mission has taken many initiatives from regular check-ups, vaccination and nutrition care. The biggest role has been played by 108/ 102 Janani Suraksha Program that do multiple picks and drop across from home to hospital co-ordinating with Asha Workers. This has resultant in major increase in institutional deliveries and reduced MMR in multiple states.”