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Thursday, 29 December 2022 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj


Most people believe that God is One, Truth is One

In many religious scriptures, it has been said that a long time ago, the earth was a kingdom of heaven where humans with divine qualities lived in perfect harmony and oneness. They were bonded by unconditional love and unlimited trust, transparency and goodwill for each other, and spoke one language and were embodiments of purity and non-violence. In-short, it was a world free of boundaries within and outside.

However, with passage of time, this compact, loving divine family multiplied and slowly but steadily lost its divine qualities. Passage of more time saw diversification in the form of multiple religions and faith traditions. Finally, in the end, after nearly 5000 years, we see the world of today (where we all live) messed up with differences, unresolved issues and countless divisions of all kinds. It has fragmented so much that it no longer appears to have emerged from a single unit.

However, most of us still long for it to be one again. So, the question that many people ask is, can this world of pieces reunite if all of us earnestly try hard enough? Is it possible that the world reeling under problems like population explosion, scarcity of resources, terrorism, exploitation and discrimination will recuperate and resurge?

Majority of people across the world believe that God is One and Truth is One. When the astronauts fly in their spaceships and see the same fragmented earth from above, they see it as one planet. In the same way, spirituality takes us beyond all divisions to a stage from where oneness becomes not just possible but obvious and a beautiful family emerges. A family is born out of common parents and so for the world to be united, everyone must belong to the same father. It is in this realization that we descend from the same home and the same parent that we are bonded with everyone as brothers.

When we strip ourselves of all differences and labels that we inherit from the costume of the body, we arrive at who we originally are - souls sparkling with energies of knowledge, purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss and power. From the interplay of these energies are born virtues like humility, forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance and cooperation that help us coexist in a world of variety.

Unity at heart is possible in the consciousness that we are all souls who are innately virtuous and belong to the same Father. This wisdom is loaded with the power to transcend all tangible and intangible barriers that disconnect any two persons, families, communities or nations. Our strong and deep-rooted desire for togetherness despite the present scenario brings us to the understanding that things must have been in complete harmony once upon a time.

When the Creator created the universe afresh and the world was called the paradise, as many scriptures say, the world functioned like one family and there was one kingdom, one language and one

religion. Over the passage of time, this unit began to branch out and divisions emerged. And today, with so many mounting differences and global problems reaching a dead end, it is time for world renewal on all counts. It is time to begin afresh and re-instill in ourselves the culture of connecting with each other through purity and love, respect the laws of nature and be honest to our original values that bring us together. So, let’s plant a sapling of self-change so that we can achieve a world of united natures. The day is not far when we shall walk hand in hand as one family, the one that Almighty Supreme Himself is now creating.

(The author is a spiritual teacher)