Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot, said that the arrangements for COVID-19 treatment at the CHC and PHC level in the state should be strengthened at war level. In the model CHC, the facilities like recruitment, setting up of oxygen generation plant, setting up of infant intensive care unit etc. should be completed in a time bound manner. This will enable us to counter the second wave of the pandemic as well as the third wave. In addition, the pressure on district and divisional hospitals will be reduced.
Gehlot was conducting a high-level review on Tuesday night through a video conference on other related topics including lockdown and availability of resources. He said that in the districts of Jaipur, where the rate of infection is high, the system of Micro Containment Zone should be strengthened further. Door-to-door survey and distribution of drug kits should be expedited. He shared that many large private hospitals have oxygen supply; they should be encouraged to supply liquid medical oxygen through pipeline and to set up their own oxygen generation plant.
Gehlot said that it is worrying to see many cases of black fungus in COVID patients. For this, special treatment facility should be made available in hospitals. Minister of State for Medicine and Health, Dr Subhash Garg, informed that the recruitment of Lab Technician and Radiographer needs to be finalised soon. This will provide adequate paramedical staff in CHC and PHC. He suggested to make the installation process of oxygen generation plant more decentralised.
Chief Secretary, Niranjan Arya, said that he is in constant touch with the Union Home Secretary and the Chief Secretary of Gujarat regarding the intensity of the tauktae cyclone. He said that with the entry in Rajasthan, its intensity is expected to decrease. Strong winds and heavy rains are forecast at some places in the southern and northern parts of the state. In view of this, all other necessary arrangements have been ensured, including adequate buffer stock and alternate supply of electricity in districts and hospitals by lifting oxygen in advance. Additional Chief Secretary, Sudhansh Pant, said that in the last four-five days, the rate of the virus in Jaipur has come down from 30 per cent to around 22 per cent. There has also been some decrease in the number of deaths.
Principal Government Secretary Medical and Health, Akhil Arora, informed that the rates of treatment of black fungus disease in private hospitals will be determined soon. He informed that a tender has been issued for the purchase of medicines required for the treatment of this disease. Personnel will be appointed in private hospitals to help the beneficiaries of the Chief Minister Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme, which will help in providing benefits of the scheme to the relatives of the patient.
Industry Secretary, Ashutosh AT, told that there is no information about any disruptions in the production of oxygen and its lift in Jamnagar and Hazira plants due to the storm. He informed that in case of regular adequate supply of oxygen, four thousand oxygen beds can be increased in 17 hospitals.
Medical Secretary, Siddharth Mahajan, shared that there has been some decrease in the number of active cases in the state since last few days and it has come down to approximately 1, 59,000. The recovery rate has increased to around 81 per cent. The availability of oxygen beds has improved in the hospitals associated with the district and medical colleges due to the pressure of Kansa. RUHS also has an increased number of discharge patients compared to the new admissions.
Aruna Rajoria, CEO of Rajasthan Health Assurance Agency, said that the Chief Minister Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme calls for quick resolution of patients’ problems, the centre has been established. Since May 1, 12,700 patients have availed the scheme. Most of the `94 crore claims submitted so far in the scheme have been paid.
Additional Chief Secretary, Subodh Agrawal, Director General of Police, ML Lathar, Principal Secretary Home, Abhay Kumar, Vice Chancellor of IUHS, Dr Rajababu Panwar and Principal of SMS Hospital, Dr Sudhir Bhandari also expressed their views in the conference.