Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader, Manish Sisodia asked the people of Uttarakhand who should be the Chief Minister of the State- a patriot like Colonel (retd) Ajay Kothiyal or leaders like the current Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. He raised this questions during his one day visit to Roorkee on Thursday. On arriving in Roorkee, Sisodia first participated in Shree Shatchandi Mahayagya at Jeevandeep Ashram and later interacted with the media. He said that he was in the State to participate in Mahayagya but he also used this opportunity to interact with various groups of locals in Roorkee. "I asked them whether a CM should be a patriot and honest person like Ajay Kothiyal or corrupt and useless like BJP's chief ministers Trivendra Singh Rawat or Pushkar Singh Dhami," stated Sisodia. He said that people responded positively towards AAP's leader Kothiyal and he wished to ask the same question to everyone. However, on the question of whether Kothiyal will be the chief ministerial candidate in Uttarakhand from AAP in the assembly elections 2022, Sisodia did not clarify and just added that this is what he is asking Uttarakhand's public.
Talking about the party's plan for Uttarakhand, Sisodia said that AAP will develop the State like Delhi. He said that unlike Delhi's government schools, Uttarakhand has inefficient education system which is also the main reason for migration of locals from mountainous regions in the State. "Many people do not get education in such areas and those who do, receive substandard education," asserted Sisodia. He said inefficient education is the main cause of unemployment and migration in the State.
Moreover, he also clarified that the party is not in talks with other members of the opposition parties at present but any leader who is honest and non corrupt is welcome to join the party. He also made it clear that the Aam Aadmi Party will contest on all seats in Uttarakhand assembly elections.