A reinvented apple

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A reinvented apple

Monday, 19 October 2020 | AP

A reinvented apple

Supply brands are noticing the rise of tomatoes and turnips in vegetable gardening this year

In the year of the new Coronavirus, when new gardeners came out in droves to try growing their own vegetables, tomatoes were still king. But in a twist, the respect-seeking turnip actually turned some heads. Seed companies taking stock of what went well and what came out of the woodwork proclaimed the tomato as their top seller this year.

Specifically, the Bodacious tomato has been the best-selling vegetable seed. The large, disease-resistant but pricey hybrid indeterminate tomato, is good with sandwiches, burgers, salads and more. The Whopper tomato has been an annual centerpiece for many grocer brands.

The Large-fruited red cherry tomato that fills out on tall, indeterminate vines was crowned the No. 1 seller for many too. “It’s an easy-to-grow variety that produces prolifically all summer long,” the popular opinion.

Obviously, tomatoes aren’t the only veggies that gardeners grow from seed. Cucumbers, peppers and beans also are near the top of consumer retail sales. The biggest surprise has been the Silky Sweet Turnip, which has been called “kind of mind-blowing!” Yes, a turnip. That easy to grow but hard-to-figure-out-what-to-do-with root vegetable.

The Silky Sweet Turnip is like a reinvented apple, whose sweetness “makes it seductively snacky.” The most supplies of the turnip variety come from a breeder in Japan, who says, “If you think you’ve ever had a turnip before, this is going to change your mind. It’s everything you’ve had hoped for.”

As far as flower seeds go, the eye-catching Zesty Zinnia Mix comes as the next top seller. While the most popular vegetable and flower seeds have remained consistent every year, sales of wildflowers and lettuce increased more quickly than other seed types, which can be called as a reflection of gardeners trying their hands with easy and fast-growing plants.

Lettuce, she pointed out, can be grown in a windowsill container, so it works well in apartments as well as yards. Given that gardening has surged in popularity this year, experts say that people have sought out an escape and productive activities during quarantine, and have found both in DIY gardening projects that connect them with nature while providing food and beauty at the same time.

Many brands have also seen an influx of new customers across all age groups. Supplies that get the family involved in gardening, such as seed starting kits, are a hit. “These customers are most excited about heirloom varieties and our salad bowl mix, which includes a blend of mustard greens, arugulas and lettuces,” said a brand. Some gardener’s supply companies simply said that in more than 35 years of business, they have never been this “busy!”

Some of the most functional and preferred items are raised beds, tomato cages and water irrigation systems, folding benches, which help save a gardeners’ knees. Well, they sold surprisingly well. Currently, companies are running out of stock on some of its greenhouses, too. A home goods retailer saw a surge this year in consumers looking to grow their own food, including high demand for seed starting, raised garden beds and tomato cages.

A website called It’s My Sustainable Life, about organic gardening and sustainable living, recently ran an article on how to save tomato seeds for future use. It said the founder grows up to 150 tomato plants every year in her garden. “My love of all things tomatoes has no bounds,” the founder said and added, “Call me the crazy tomato lady.”

And if we go back to looking at the tomatoes and their varieties —  many swear by heirloom varieties, whose seeds have not been altered from their parent plants. The Brandywine, which dates back nearly 140 years, are becoming one of the favourites. Pruden’s Purple, Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, Blue Beech paste and San Marzano are among the increasingly chosen ones. Others are some hybrid indeterminate varieties such as Sungold Cherry and Black Cherry — as some call them, the flavour superstars!