Frequency of special trains between Howrah and Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad will be reduced from daily to weekly on the request of the West Bengal government in view of the prevailing COVID-19 situation, railway officials said on Monday.
The frequency of 02303/02304 Howrah-New Delhi-Howrah Special (via Patna) and 02381/02382 Howrah-New Delhi-Howrah Special (via Dhanbad), which were introduced from June 1 as per the schedule of Poorva Express, would now run once a week, an Eastern Railway official said.
"Both the above pairs of trains will run as per schedule up to July 10 from Howrah and up to July 11 from New Delhi. Thereafter, these trains will run on a weekly basis as per revised schedule," the official said.
The South Eastern Railway has also decided to reduce the frequency of 02834/02833 Howrah-Ahmedabad special and 02810/02809 Howrah-Mumbai CSMT special from daily to weekly, its spokesperson said.
The Howrah-Ahmedabad special will run once a week instead of daily from July 10 from Howrah and from July 13 from Ahmedabad till further order, he said.
The Howrah-Mumbai CSMT Special will run once a week instead of daily from July 15 from Howrah and from July 17 from Mumbai CSMT, he said.
Passenger flights to Kolkata from Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Nagpur and Ahmedabad have also been suspended from Monday till July 19 over the COVID-19 situation.