The Delhi government on Tuesday extended till September 30 its scheme offering a one-time waiver of water bill arrears and late payment surcharge in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
Under the scheme, launched in August last year, all categories of houses get an exemption from late fee payments, while their pending water bills are waived partly or fully depending on the housing category.
"In wake of Covid-19 outbreak, the water bill waiver scheme of the Delhi Jal Board has been extended by three months and will now end on September 30," the water utility's vice-chairman, Raghav Chadha, tweeted.
He said the move will benefit those who have not been able to avail the scheme due to the lockdown restrictions.
Delhi's colonies are categorised from A-H.
A-D category colonies are considered as middle and upper-middle residential areas.
'A' category colonies include those in Maharani Bagh, Chanakyapuri and Golf Links.
For 'A' and 'B' category colonies, 25 per cent rebate is given on their principal arrears while in the 'C' category colonies, 50 per cent waiver is provided.
In 'D' category colonies, people get a waiver of 75 per cent on their principal pending arrear.