As many as 3.52 lakh candidates have cleared the Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET), conducted by the CBSE, the board said on Tuesday.
The 12th edition of CTET was conducted on July 7 at 2,942 centres across 104 cities in the country.
There were 114 city coordinators, 2,942 centre superintendents, 4,335 observers and 827 Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) officials who were deputed for the smooth and fair conduct of examination.
A total of 29.22 lakh candidates were registered for the examination, out of which 23.77 lakh candidates appeared.
The result was declared in a record time of 23 days of the examination on Tuesday, the board said.
Out of the 3.52 lakh candidates who have qualified, 2.15 lakh qualified in Paper -1(for teaching in grades 1 to 5 in primary schools) and 1.37 lakh qualified in Paper-2 (for teaching in grades 6 to 8 in upper primary school).
Marksheets of all candidates who took the exam and qualifying certificates of 3.52 lakh candidates will be uploaded on the Digi-locker for easy access, the CBSE said.
HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' lauded the CBSE for conducting the CTET successfully and also congratulated the successful candidates.